Dr. Mercy Obamogie
Family Physician
Professional Statement

Dr. Mercy Obamogie is a practicing family physician based in Maryland who treats adults and pediatric patients ages six years old and up. She is a Fellow of the American Academy of Family Physicians and has over 23 years of active clinical experience..

Welcome to Dr. Mercy Obamogie clinic
Dr. Mercy Obamogie is a practicing family physician based in Maryland who treats adults and pediatric patients ages six years old and up. She is a Fellow of the American Academy of Family Physicians and has over 23 years of active clinical experience. She is the President and Medical Director of her Medical Practice based in Greenbelt, Maryland. She is an Assistant Professor of Community and Family Medicine at Howard University, College of Medicine in Washington, DC. Dr Obamogie also obtained her Masters in Public Health degree (MPH) from The Johns Hopkins University-School of Public Health with a concentration in Health Policy and Management.